Here you will find a selection of our most common asked questions regarding Mobility Scooters. Remember we are here to help so please do contact us with any questions at all as we would love to help.

Q. Can I drive my scooter on a public highway?
A. Yes, you will need to register your mobility scooter (if an 8-mph road-legal version) with the DVLA in the same way as a car. We can do this free of charge for you. Simply contact us via email or telephone after purchase and let us do all the paperwork!

Please note: Only 8mph scooters with indicators, lights, hooter and at least one rear-view mirror are allowed on the road. Any scooter below 8mph is not for public highway use.

Q. Do I need to tax my mobility scooter?
A. Yes, even though mobility scooters are exempt from payment (yay!), you still need to tax it online in the same way as a motor vehicle. Please note that if you have asked us to organise a V5 logbook for you (we do this free of charge), we will automatically tax your scooter for 1 year.

Q. What type of mobility scooters are aircraft friendly?
A. Most, if not all the smaller auto or manual folding mobility scooters are aircraft friendly that has a Lithium Ion battery. Please check first with your airline to make sure before traveling. All other small-type mobility scooters have sealed gel-type AGM batteries which also should be acceptable with most airlines (always ask the airline as not all companies have the same rules).